I'm a lover of Autumn, but dislike most Autumnal gardening tasks, with leaf clearing being the most joyless task for me each year. I love the compost it produces, but the process of clearing and collecting leaves is dull and I look for technological support to speed it up. I have more than found it with my WORX WG543E LEAFJET Cordless Leaf Blower, which has now firmly replaced my petrol leaf blower and is one of my favourite power tools designed and built well and delivering time and time again.
It is no secret that I am a huge fan of WORX Cordless Power Tools; I use them a lot and I find them to be well made, well designed and powerful beyond their price point. The LEAFJET (WORX WG543E) is no exception here. In fact, it may be some distance ahead of others.

I bought this a little over a year ago and have used it every month with certainty since. While there is nothing at all wrong with my petrol leaf blower and in fact it doubles as a vacuum, which the LEAFJET does not, I think I will be selling it soon as I simply cannot see myself using anything else.

Light enough that my 9 year old daughter can easily operate it, though largely to blast her brother with it when he isn't expecting it and powerful enough that you can fly a kite using the wind it creates (yes, we tried this). It has very little that can go wrong with it and very little that you need to do to use it effectively other than to recharge the battery using the charger included.

In terms of moving parts, the battery clips and unclips from the end of the handle so it can be recharged. Like all WORX kit, it uses their POWERSHARE technology to allow any battery within the range to be swapped in an out while others are on charge. Batteries with larger Amperage like the 4.0Ah model that comes with the WG543E last longer between charges than the 2.0Ah battery seen on other tools, but they will all work. I have not turned it on and timed it to see how long the battery will last before being drained, but it has yet to run out on me when being used on and off during a day of gardening. Other than the power dial on the handle, the only other moving part is the Working Mode Select adjustable head. by virtue of an orange clip (see pic above) you can slide the head of the LEAFJET back or forward to provide a more air volume or more speed, with some power difference. I found that the difference isn't huge, but is noticeable and the adjustment is firm and doesn't loosen over time.
That quality is true of the build in general. No wobbles or loosening observed after over a year of regular outdoor use. The majority of the build is of durable plastic, with an Aluminium shaft and when the battery is attached a nice balance to the weight overall. In terms of weight, it really is quite light at 1.05Kg without battery. This means that unlike my petrol equivalent, I can use it for hours without back pain. My petrol blower/vacuum is great and I'm not speaking ill of it at all, but I just feel for me that this battery operated model that can be turned on with a simple switch is SO much easier to set up, manoeuvre and use for longer periods, that it is my choice going forward. Much of this could be noted from the fact that I haven't used my McCulloch petrol blower/vacuum since getting it. Out of interest the McCulloch (another top manufacturer by the way) weighs a shade more than 4 x the LEAFJET at 4.5Kg. It has two advantages over the LEAFJET. 1, it is a vacuum as well and 2, it has a power output advantage.
The LEAFJET has a three setting power dial switch on the handle. Setting 0 is off, setting 1 is normal power (153Km/h) (not bad) and setting 2, which has an output of 209Km/h. 209Km/h produces a really powerful and focused jet of air. As mentioned before my McCulloch petrol blower/vacuum is more powerful with an output of 370Km/h. The difference in power output doesn't mean a huge amount, other than the McCulloch can blast material over a greater distance and area meaning you can be less focused on what you are doing or handle much larger expanses with less detailed treatment.
Every month, at least once, I will get my LEAFJET out to clear the drive, patios and a general blast around. Simple to use and does the job brilliantly. Leaves and general detritus are rapidly moved. Even compacted composts and gravels are readily blown into piles to clear up. It pops back into the shed with minimal space and as it isn't fueled, can be stored upside down or as I do, hanging from a hook without risk of fuel spilling.
The brushless motor produces a fairly high pitched whir when in use, which is still quieter than any petrol powered equivalent. One of my dogs dislikes the sound, but it scares him far less than the dreaded vacuum cleaner does, so that is something.
So, one question that I always ask myself when looking at tools is 'will this work for Pro users?' Often battery powered power tools can be less suitable for extensive or professional use. I think that the LEAFJET, may well be more useful to professional users than anything else I've used before. Easily stored in a van, tool chest or landscape store and small enough to fit in the Bobcats, buggies and ATVs of estate managers; quick clear ups of paths, patios, cobweb clearing in barns and leaf clearing on smaller lawns would be far better addressed with the LEAFJET than a petrol equivalent. Certainly any professional gardener who moves from garden to garden will benefit from this (possibly with a car battery charger, see below) to tidy up after works and quickly and efficiently clear client gardens. Landscapers too will use this to tidy up paving that can't be walked on yet, or clear sites in preparation for projects. Really very useful and handy, with portability being a strength here.
Light and easy to carry
Extremely powerful for its size
Sturdy build
Simple to use
Manoeuvrable into smaller spaces
Quieter than petrol equivalent
Compact so easy to store and move
Very low servicing requirement and few moving parts to go wrong
No need to store fuel
No major disadvantages
Blow function only, not a vacuum
Should you buy one?
Obviously this is up to you, but I know I won't be without this tool going forward. It's an absolute winner for me! Professionals too, should strongly consider this. It may not be their immediate go too, but gardeners, estate managers, maintenance crews and landscapers will use this pretty much every job for quick clear ups and to tidy sites.
Here is the model described in this article;
A double battery version with an additional power setting (266Km/h) and a turbo button. I haven't used this yet, but I'm sure it is great.
Not convinced, or need a vacuum as part of your model? Here is my McCulloch, which is excellent.
Working in a bigger area or for long periods? This backpack model which will save your back and deliver great power.
Enjoy the more manual side of leaf collection? This lawn rake is a good one.
Unless using a vacuum, don't forget to buy some grabbers like below;
These open topped bins are useful for moving leafs and garden debris around a garden. Whatever you buy, make sure it is deeper than it is wide or leaves will blow away.
Car battery charger for anyone travelling between sites recommended.
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