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Environmentally Friendly Cosmetics and Self Care Products - grüum

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We finally live in a world where it is not good enough for some businesses to simply state that they feel bad for the environment, but one where companies are entirely focused on supplying products or providing services in an entire sustainable way. Companies who's entire agenda is thoroughly entwined with sustainability and a balanced or environmentally positive approach to trade. It long hasn't been this way, so to see it not just emerge over the last decade, but thrive is so welcome. grüum is one such company, where recycled and recyclable packaging contain products with natural origins, sourced, produced and even supplied in an environmentally sound way.

Some of it is as simple as creating bars of shampoo to reduce packaging needs; Top Tip for travelling by the way is to get hold of these. No issues with the maximum 100ml of fluid in hand luggage if you are flying and take solid bars with you.

Almost all products supplied by grüum are produced in the UK, limiting their carbon footprint in terms of travel. None are tested on animals, so are 'Cruelty Free'. Many have no plastic in their packaging and those that do have recycled plastic and are fully recyclable. Replaceable Razor Blade Cartridges can be returned as part of a free recycling scheme. All products are Palm Oil free, the common use of which elsewhere is a particular annoyance to me. I'm not a Vegan, but a great many products are, which is great. An emphasis on natural and normally plant-based ingredients run through their products, with products like Toothpaste Tablets labelled as containing 'No Chemical Nasties' - I like this and the idea of toothpaste tablets in general. Some products are able to be labelled '100% Naturally Derived', which is another huge boon to the company and confidence booster to the consumer on their approach.

It might just be me, but I'm from a generation where men didn't do much in the way of moisturising (or at least said they didn't) and our care regimes where about maintaining your body in the best order without doing anything 'fancy'. Those days are gone now and not only is it encouraged that men moisturise, but it actually makes sense that we do as well. When I was younger, my skin was great, but when I hit my forties I found that it is drier than it was - noted when I rubbed my forehead and it felt like sandpaper! Coupled with a lifestyle that sees me outdoors in all weathers exploring gardens and the countryside, I have found that I really need to take better care of my skin. While I have a fairly lax regime when it comes to skincare, I do moisturise when I remember and I was delighted to find the grüum Moisturisers to know that in improving my skin, I am not damaging the environment.

Similarly hand care is important for people who work with plants; gardening, doing nursery work, building etc, so Exfoliating Hand and Foot Restorer is a product worth investing in. As are Soaps without extensive chemical additives and Moisturising Body Bars to help your skin recover. Arguably most important are Sunscreens, which they produce several of and they are excellent.

Is it a gimmick? Well yes, of course it is, but not one designed to hoodwink anyone: The gimmick is that they are simply doing the right thing. The right thing by the consumer and the right thing by the environment - essentially, it is the perfect gimmick! These are products I buy. I buy them because I like them, they work and I feel good about how they are having the most minimal impact on the environment. I will be buying more and you may well want to do the same.

Below are my top recommendations for gardeners and people who spend a lot of time outside. Click on the name to go to product page on the grüum website.

gruum product images (c) gruum 2023

skyda Daily Defense Lotion - a SPF factor 50 sunscreen that is great as a moisturiser too.

kåre Daily Moisturiser - a strongly plant focused moisturiser.

skrub Exfoliating Hand & Foot Restorer - an exfoliating scrub with added pumice stone.

fötter – Luxurious Foot Cream - It may not repair trench foot from working outdoors in February in leaky boots, but will soften skin and heal cracks.

händ – Luxurious Hand Cream - Essential for outdoor people whether you are glove wearers or not.

SPF50 5* UVA Dermatologist Face Sunscreen - SPF 50 sunscreen for your face.

söp Hand Soap – Aloe Vera - skin friendly soap after a hard day spent getting dirty outdoors.

These and plenty more are available. I love them. I'm sure you will too.

As well as my recommendations, it is worth having a look on the grüum website as the range is constantly be added to and improved. Really good stuff that is a pleasure to use and to know that you are not harming the environment while doing it.

gruum product images (c) gruum 2023

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Please note, the links to grüum are paid affiliate links. If you purchase an item from them using any of these links I will receive a small payment from them. It doesn't cost you anything and the item is priced as per their price. You can read our affiliate policy here. Thanks

Please note, Images on this page are my own, or with permission from the author/publisher. As with all images on this site, they are not for reproduction or use without written permission. Permissions can be sought from emailing though images of materials copyrighted by another party will not be given.

1 Comment

Carey Normand
Feb 22, 2023

Wry interesting. I’ll have a look at what they offer.

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